Yayasan Rotary Klub Bali Nusa Dua
Notice Effective 21st June, 2019, be it known that:
Rotary Club Bali Nusa Dua has formally established a Yayasan (an Indonesian Non-Profit Foundation) with the name "Yayasan Rotary Klub Bali Nusa Dua" for the purpose of creating a legally recognized entity to conduct banking and other business affairs as may be required for the successful operation of the club.

Founder (Pendiri): Mr. Reinhold Jantzen
President Commissioner (Ketua Pembina): Mr. Reinhold Jantzen
Commissioner (Anggota Pembina): Mr. Michael Burchett
Management Board:
Chairman (Pengurus Ketua): Mr. Edward Fitzgerald
Treasurer (Pengurus Bedahara): Mr. Risto Poskiparta
Supervisor (Pengawas): Mrs. Dona Sri Lestari Poskiparta
Secretary (Sekretaris): Wes N.
Official Adress:
PT.Soejasch Bali
Jalan Gunung Patas No.1, Denpasar, Padang Sambian Kelod, Kecamatan Denpasar Barat, Kota Denpasar, Provinsi Bali
Information or question regarding this Yayasan may be directed to esecretary@rotarybali.org