COVID-19 Response
In preparing RCBND’s response to the Covid 19 pandemic, it was felt that we could be most effective if we dealt with our current partners in other activities.
We were working with the Bali Blood Bank (PMI – UTD, Denpasar) and with Puskesmas Kuta Selatan, and we immediately consulted with them to find ways by which we could be of most assistance. We gave the PMI UTD and Puskesmas KS the choice of which items would be of most use to them. PMI-UTD opted for the Rapid Test Kits, while Puskesmas needed both, urgently! So we shared our available resources among our four partners, who have all benefitted by the support.
We also approached our Members for support and raised sufficient funds to underwrite a reasonably substantial response program. With funds in hand we contacted one of our long time and trusted partners, Yayasan Kolewa, and agreed to
team up with them beginning June 2020 to provide Sembako on a monthly basis to 70 local families . Then we consulted with the Principal of SMKN 1, with whom we manage a scholarship program, to explore opportunities to assist needy families of students.