Bali Blood Bank
The feature story in The Rotarian magazine in the August 1999 issue, the Bali Blood Bank, a concerted effort by Rotary Clubs Kuta, Denpasar and Nusa Dua together with RC Traverse City, Michigan USA and RC Hiroshima East, Japan amongst others to build and furnished the Bali Blood Bank at Bali’s main public hospital, RSU Sanglah (Hospital).
Three years after opening, in 2001-2002, RC Bali Nusa Dua partnered with District 5370 (Canada) to supply needed additional equipment which was furnished and installed in May 2002 - just a few months before the Bali bombing on 12 October 2002, ultimately saving the lives of many victims. Since 2002, ongoing support for the Bali Blood Bank has been provided by Rotary Clubs from Bali, Japan, Korea and other countries.
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On Monday, 14th October 2019, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Bali Blood Bank, RC Bali Nusa Dua together with 25 Rotarians from District 5000 (Hawaii, USA) handed over various types of mobile blood collection equipment provided by The Rotary Foundation (TRF) through Global Grant 1984545 to Palang Merah Indonesia, PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) at Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar.
The equipment, valued at USD 161,600, brings PMI’s mobile collection procedures into compliance with Government standards, and will help ensure that the Bali community receives blood products of the highest standards in Indonesia. Indeed 80% of all blood donated to PMI is donated off site through mobile collection efforts. This latest Global Grant represents yet another chapter, but not the last, in the 20 plus year story of Rotary support for the Bali Blood Bank.